
We make it easy for you to follow our content by simply subscribing to our RSS feeds. All feeds contain the full content of our posts.

This feeds contains all the content from Techi from all our sections. Includes editorials, cool, news, breaking news and videos.

This feeds contains the full content from our ‘cool’ section. Things like cool new gadgets, products and services are featured in this section.

This feed is updated with all the news posted on Techi. This section is updated the most frequently on weekdays.

This feed only contains ‘breaking news’. We often break news before major news sites, so this is the one to subscribe if you like to keep up to date with the latest tech news.

If you enjoy videos, this is the feed to subscribe to. The videos are usually from our cool section and feature fun and interesting bits about technology.

This feed contains 100% original Techi content. The posts are longer and often analyse current tech trends, news and products. Updated a couple of times a day on weekdays.

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If you just want to read the most popular stuff, subscribe to this feed. It contains a mix of posts from all sections of our site based on their popularity.