According to a new analysis, people are far more likely to spend money in-app than they are to spend money on the app itself. Freemium apps account for 98% of the revenue generated on Google Play with the remaining 2% shared equally between paid apps and paid apps with in-app purchases.
Everybody loves free stuff, but would you love it as much if there were ads splattered all across it? Or if you had to fork out more money to progress in a free app like a game? There are some, like myself, who would happily pay full price for an app and leave it at that, but it seems that we might be a minority because according to the latest figures, it would seem as though freemium apps are currently dominating the Google Play store, with a whopping 98% of revenue coming from freemium apps alone. The remaining two percent go to paid apps, and paid apps with in-app purchases.