Unless you have one of the latest flagships, it can take quite some time for the latest version of Android to reach your smartphone, assuming it ever does. This is just the nature of Android, and there’s no changing it. According to the most recent distribution numbers, the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system, Android 5.0 Lollipop, has only reached 10% adoption after six months.
Back in January, the news came out that after just three months, the brand new Android 5.0 Lollipop was installed on roughly 1.6% of active Android devices. Since then, it has been slowly but surely climbed upward. In the latest distribution numbers, Google’s tasty sweet treat has reached 9.7 percent market share. To little surprise, the most common Android version is currently KitKat with 39.8 percent of the market, followed by Jelly Bean with 39.2 percent. Both of these OS versions have seen a drop however, down 1.6% and 1.5% respectively. As for the rest: Ice Cream Sandwich now sits at 5.3%, Gingerbread at 5.7%, and Froyo at .3%. While Lollipop is on the rise, and ancient versions of Android like Gingerbread and Froyo are almost finally falling off the radar for good, the reality is that many users are still very much on older versions of Androd. The problem of fragmentation is something that Apple and even Microsoft likes to call Google out on, and while the issue is greatly exaggerated, there is some true to the matter.