
Net Neutrality Rules Voted Invalid by House Panel

A Republican-led House subcommittee voted 15-8 to invalidate the FCC’s net neutrality rules. The rules will likely stay in...

Adding “Internet Freedom” to the Internet Kill Switch Bill Is Putting Lipstick on a Pig

When we first started investigating the Internet Kill Switch Bill, we thought it was humorous that it was being...

The United States of Facebook

Drawing comparisons between Facebook and the United States is easy. Both are influential in their world. Both have leaders...

How We Are Tracked Online

The news is jam-packed with stories about online privacy, "do not track," and Internet security issues. With proposals for...

Media Artists Start Prank Dating Site… and YOU Might Be On It

You may want to check out Lovely-Faces. Yeah it's a dating site - and we're not saying you're desperate....

Why the Internet Kill Switch is a Really, REALLY Bad Idea

There are certain things, particularly in politics and technology, that seem to make sense on the surface. Take, for...

Facebook Isn’t Sharing Their Toys; Google Bars User Data From Facebook

Starting very soon, you won't be able to import all of your Gmail contacts in one shot into your...

A New Reason to Vote: Facebook Says So!

Today wasn't so incredibly different from any other day: I woke up, I ate breakfast, I checked my RSS...

Sorry I’m Late, Guys – Car Got Stuck In My Printer Again

Soon, you may have an entirely new scapegoat for not attending all manner of functions: a printer jam. 3D printing...