
It’s Quit Facebook Day! You Ready?

Alright people, time to pack it up. It's Quit Facebook Day, and it's time we all banded together and...

We’re Not Fooled: Ignoring Privacy Is Facebook’s Business Model

After a slew of loud criticism, Facebook have rolled out new, more understandable privacy controls. At the core of...

Green Phone Relieves Your Nerd Guilt

As a gadget nerd, it's important to carry only the very latest cell phone, mp3 player and camera. But...

A Matter of Trust: 10 Places Google Collects User Data From

  By now, everyone in the tech world and beyond has heard about Google's data collection from unsecured Wi-Fi networks...

Facebook’s New Privacy Controls Due Tomorrow

This week will see a bunch of changes to Facebook's privacy controls, addressing the ongoing concerns that Facebook is...

Facebook Privacy: Zuckerberg Sheds Some Light

The plane has all but crashed into the goddamn mountain for Facebook, but Zuckerberg is still hoping against hope...

Facebook vs. Canada. It’s about to get ugly.

It looks as though Facebook might face a court appearance before a federal judge in Canada real soon. This ongoing...

Disgracebook: NOW What?

While I don't like Facebook due to its stance on privacy, I believe that the outright witch hunt against...

Google Infringes Upon Facebook’s Business Model: Invading User Privacy

Privacy is a hot button issue right now, but Facebook isn't the only big player vying for a piece...