
Bluetooth Adapter For Your Landline

If the idea of actually having to hold a phone to your ear fills you with dread, then this...

Valleywag Scoop Outs Google Boss Schmidt’s Relationship Secrets

‘Don’t be evil’ may be the old Google mantra, but it looks as if that still leaves space for...

Make your own Steve Jobs today

You know Steve Jobs, right? The technology superstar CEO of Apple Inc., the man who invented the iPhone? Now...

Browser Battle: Opera Submits Mini Browser For iPhone Approval

There’s an iPhone browser break out beginning, with Opera Software submitting its Opera Mini 5 browser/app for the iPhone...

Sony’s Projector Alarm Clock Helps You Visualize Time

The alarm clock — destroyers of limited sleepers and enforcers of early risers — just got a bit more...

Transport For Tomorrow’s People?

Take a look at this self-balancing robotized skateboard and think future transportation thanks to creator, XenonJon. The skateboard maker has...

This Futuristic, Eco-friendly Coke Design Should Be Real

Coke? What about Coke could possibly be worthy of a mention on Techi? Well, if you already took a...

Nintendo DS, Coming At You In Three Dimensions

Nintendo has something big up their sleeve, and that thing happens to be a new DS. "Oh. Not another...

Apple iPhone Slaps Down Sony PSP in US Gaming – Report

Like a tech industry Tekken, Apple is clashing with almost everyone these days, from Google to Microsoft to Amazon...