
Is the PC really dying?

When Mark Dean, CTO of IBM Middle East and Africa, declared this morning that we are in the "Post-PC...

Microsoft envisions the “home of the future”

What if every wall in your home was a digital display? What if your kitchen table would set itself...

The truth about passwords

The science behind hacking passwords has evolved much faster than the passwords themselves. While many websites and programs set...

Link-building, Zelda edition

Normally when blogs talk about link-building, they're referring to an SEO activity that involves spamming forums, article directories, and...

The art of (eliminating) trolling

Trolls. We all love them. We all hate them. They are entertaining when we aren't the victim, but when...

#OpFacebook – Can Anonymous really take down Facebook on November 5th?

They have taken down websites representing banks, religions, and governments. Now, if a recent video is authentic, Anonymous has...

Verizon Strike: 45,000 union workers take battle to the streets

Verizon customers who have land line phones, internet, and FiOS television services will be affected by the strike of...

Can streaming video beat network television?

Network television has owned the airwaves for decades and shows no signs of slowing despite the increased popularity of...

Street Fighter stop motion: Ryu vs Ken as you’ve never seen before

There have been many renditions of fights between Street Fighter primary characters Ken and Ryu. Cartoons, CGI, even real-life...