Drone Shield alerts you whenever a drone is flying nearby

Privacy has always been a matter of concern when drones come up in daily conversation, but one start-up has found the solution to avoid potential security breaches. Already a funded Indiegogo campaign, the Drone Shield is a portable black box that listens for drones in the air, and alerts its owner if one is flying near.

Drones could very well end up as the next big thing, as we have seen some pretty interesting drones make an appearance in recent times. The thing is, a new question concerning the privacy of folks around you is raised – will drones that are equipped with high resolution cameras be able to infringe on your neighbor’s quiet time as he or she lazes by the pool, sunbathing while your drone hovers over their property? I suppose to each problem there is a solution, and the Drone Shield system might be here to stay if drones take off among the masses.

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