Fix for Apple lock screen hack is in the works

There will always be bugs discovered with every new roll out of software, but the security protocols are something that you would hope comes through without bugs. Early loopholes were found in iOS 7, but Apple is already on the case.

When it debuted Wednesday, iOS 7 brought with it a slew of bug fixes to Apple’s mobile operating system, but it brought a new vulnerability as well — one that can be exploited to bypass the lock screen on iOS devices.

Like most iOS lock screen vulnerabilities, the hack to exploit it is somewhat involved (see video below). But once it’s performed, it affords access to an iPhone’s stored photos — and the email and Web services accounts the device’s owner uses to share them. It’s not clear whether the hack works on Apple’s newest iPhones, the 5s and 5c, but I verified it here on an iPhone 5 and iPhone 4.

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