Few things are more epic than this. You know the unmasked people, but can you guess which ones are Darth Vader, Chewbacca, and R2D2?
If not, you probably shouldn’t be reading this blog. A certain level of “geek cred” is necessary to appreciate how awesome this image from Star Wars truly is.
From shortest to tallest:
Hamill = R2D2, Dwarf = Luke, Carrie Fisher = Chewbacka
Yawn, I’ve only seen at least a HUNDRED websites use this picture and try to be clever about it.
If only everyone were as intelligent and sophisticated as you. Please tell us all how we can learn to get this kind of information more quickly so we too can yawn and show our contempt for others who dare to show us something we have already seen. This was my first time seeing this picture so clearly I am not visiting the right web sites and my level of nerdery is clearly not high enough. Of course while you were busy visiting the HUNDRED sites in which you saw this picture, I was busy banging actual women, but hey, we all have our priorities.
I wonder if that’s a full-sized normal-person tie or a kiddie’s tie, or maybe a special midget/dwarf tie?