Google is still working on the Stars bookmark management extension

It’s been a few months since Google accidentally left the Stars bookmark management extension visible in the Chrome App Store. We had been hearing about the development of Stars for some time before that, so its appearance was not entirely surprising. However, Mountain View removed the listing and didn’t mention Stars at I/O this year. Now Florian Kiersch has gotten a look at the updated version of Stars. It’s clear Google is still making improvements to the service, but it’s definitely not done yet.

We’ve been hearing about Google Stars for months now and while the search giant hasn’t made any official announcements, that hasn’t stopped leaks from surfacing. In fact, at one point an extension for the software briefly hit the Chrome App Store, only to be removed shortly after. If you’re having trouble remembering what Stars is, it’s pretty much Mountain View’s new take on bookmarking and collecting things from around the web. Although we’re not exactly sure if or when Stars will be ready for mass consumption, Google code tinkerer Florian Kiersch recently uncovered an updated version of the app and it looks like the folks in Mountain View have made a decent amount of progress. In addition to an updated UI, Filters has been rebranded as Auto Folders and the platform’s mobile view has gained more functionality. Here’s a look at Google’s updated version of Stars and if still shots aren’t enough to satisfy your curiosity, check out this quick video walkthrough from a few months ago.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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