Google doesn’t just want people to use Google Drive because its cheaper and more convenient than buying your own hard drive, it wants you to use it because its safer than your own hard drive as well. This morning, the company announced that it plans to give a million dollars in grants to independent security researchers, which will allow it to find solutions to problems that its own 500 in-house security experts can’t, or even discover problems that they didn’t even know existed.
Google wants you to feel safe and comfy in storing your data with them on all of their properties. One particular product probably has your most important documents — Google Drive. Today, the company announced that it will be dedicating one million dollars next year to fund grants for independent security research. Here’s what the team said today: “Our research grant program is one way independent security researchers contribute to Google’s data security. We’re grateful for their efforts to keep Google Drive safe, so next year we’re dedicating $1,000,000 to fund even more grants for independent security research. Separately, we’ll continue to offer up to $20,000 to anyone who finds and reports a qualifying issue. The end result of these ongoing efforts is a product that — unlike your garden-variety hard drive — actually gets better over time.”