As it stands the latest version of Android KitKat is 4.4.2, although recently we have heard word that Google could be preparing for another update in the form of Android 4.4.3. Now according to the folks at Android Police, they have learnt that this is indeed the case and that Google is currently dogfooding the latest build. For those unfamiliar with the term, basically it means that Google is testing the Android 4.4.3 build outside of the core Android team.
Several weeks ago, we caught wind of Android 4.4.3 and some of the changes it could bring, consisting mostly of bug fixes, both big and small. At this point, according to several sources familiar with the matter, Android 4.4.3 has entered internal testing outside of the core Android team – a process otherwise known as dogfooding. The final release isn’t expected to hit public devices for a number of weeks, so those of you expecting it any day now will have to wait just a bit longer. Android 4.4.3, also known as KitKat MR2 (Android 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 are known as KitKat MR1), has entered the dogfooding stage and has started rolling out to 1% of Google employees outside of the Android team. Currently, the dogfooding rollout is limited to the supported Nexus line (Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2012, Nexus 7 2013, and Nexus 10), with GPE and Moto X updates to follow.