

TECHi’s Rank: #1

About Lenovo

Morrisville, North Carolina
Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

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Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering1984Morrisville, North CarolinaUnited States71,090

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Lenovo is a US$70 billion revenue global technology powerhouse. To date, the company employs 75,000 people around the world, serving millions of customers every day in 180 markets, and is focused on delivering smarter technology for all. Lenovo today is the world’s largest PC company and is currently further expanding into key growth areas including server, storage, mobile, solutions, and services. This transformation, together with Lenovo’s world-changing innovation is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and sustainable digital society for everyone, everywhere.Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & Equipment

Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & Equipment

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