Microsoft Edge was supposed to help Microsoft regain the web browser market share that it’s been losing over the years, but even though it comes bundled with Windows 10 and is the default web browser, new data from Quantcast shows that Edge is only used on a mere 12% of Windows 10 devices. Just like Internet Explorer before it, it seems like one of the first things people do when they install Windows 10 is download Google Chrome and set it as their default browser, as it’s now sitting on more than a 70% share of the browser market for Windows 10. Mozilla Firefox comes in second with an ever so slight lead over Edge.
Microsoft’s Edge browser, the software bundled with the company’s increasingly popular Windows 10, is still no match for Google Chrome, according to new data. Since Windows 10’s launch in July, the Edge browser has topped out at 16 percent market share on Windows 10 devices, below Chrome’s more than 70 percent share, new data from Quantcast shows. At the end of September, the Edge browser had 12 percent share of all browser usage on Windows 10, compared to 71 percent for Chrome. Mozilla’s Firefox is slightly ahead of Edge. Quantcast provides data on pageviews and popular websites for marketers and other organizations. The company’s Edge browser insight is based solely on the data it has collected, so it’s possible the figures do not match up with other companies’ numbers. Regardless, Quantcast argues that its data proves Microsoft’s Edge browser is having trouble attracting an audience on Windows 10. “Microsoft may be able to make further inroads into the browser market with Edge, but it’ll take more than a new operating system to unseat Chrome’s dominance,” Quantcast software engineer Jackson Newhouse said.