There’s a pretty good chance that if you’re a human being who plays video games on a console over the past several years, you’ve had some complaints. Not because there’s inherently anything wrong with the system you own, but because there are far higher expectations coming with owning a system that costs several hundred dollars at the start, then more cash to stay online constantly – the good news is, Microsoft is listening.
Microsoft today detailed what’s coming in the next Xbox One update, which will be largely focused on audio features. New features include a Sound Mixer for apps with Snap, volume controls when chatting with Kinect, and an opt-in to help improve speech recognition. First up, the new sound mixer will let you control the volume levels of two apps when you’re using Snap. In other words, you’ll be able to decide which app should be louder or quieter, and by how much. You will also be able to control the volume levels when you’re using Kinect for chat, a feature that probably should have been there from the very start. Both of these audio options will be available under the console’s Settings.