New Google Glass app records you while you’re having sex

The porn industry has never been shy about their adoption of new tech, especially when it comes to Google Glass. A wearable headset that’s always on, Google Glass is one of the few pieces of technology that allow you to access the internet, watch videos, and keep your hands free for… other things, it’s almost like Glass was made for porn.

If you and your partner are looking for a little something ‘different’ for their love life – and both happen to own Google Glass – then boy do we have something for you. “Sex With Glass” is a new app for Google Glass that watches – and records – everything you and your partner do to help bring the most out of your sexual experience. Let’s face it, the world of porn isn’t going anywhere, and as smartphones and gadgets get more and more popular, it’s only a matter of time before the two become even more intertwined. Porn for Google Glass is already here whether Google likes it or not, though it looks like everyone is looking to get in on the fun.

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