Softcard is shutting down its Android and Windows Phone apps

While Google didn’t fully acquire Softcard as rumors were suggesting, it did acquire much of the company’s assets and technology. However, the mobile payments service’s customers weren’t one of those assets and the company has announced that it will be shutting down its app for Android and Windows Phone sometime in the near future. It encouraged users to switch over to Google Wallet but admitted that they won’t be able to transfer their information over to the app. 

Earlier this week, Softcard announced that Google purchased some of its assets and technology, and now the company is shutting down two of its apps. The company revealed in a posting that it will be closing down its Android and Windows Phone apps “in the near future.” For now, users can still use the app to pay for goods and store their loyalty cards, but the company said that it will automatically terminate all of its wallets. In the posting, Softcard encouraged Android users to switch to Google Wallet, but said that users won’t be able to transfer their information from one app to the other. The news isn’t much of a surprise, since T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T – the three carriers that backed Softcard’s creation – have partnered with Google to push Google Wallet. With all of their efforts behind the Mountain View-based company’s payment system, there’s not much reason for Softcard to continue to exist.

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