Tesla is delving into the world of self-driving luxury cars

When Tesla’s Elon Musk reveals the “D” next week, he’ll also reportedly talk about the automaker’s self-driving technology. According to Bloomberg, Musk is set to unveil a control system built for the Model S capable of keeping the car in its lane on highways. Earlier this week Musk said Tesla would offer a car as early as next year that could drive 90-percent of its miles on auto-pilot.

Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) will make its first foray toward automated driving, joining luxury rivals in offering high-tech features including one that can keep the car in its lane, said a person familiar with the carmaker’s plans. The new capabilities will be revealed at an announcement scheduled for this week, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the details aren’t public. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk on Oct. 1 posted on Twitter that the electric-car maker will “unveil the D and something else” and included a photo of a darkly lit Tesla and the date Oct. 9.


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