WhatsApp is one of the most popular cross-platform messaging client, which was recently acquired by Facebook for a whopping $19 billion. Recently, WhatsApp for Android received an update which brings a number of interesting features on board, including the ability to mute group conversations, which give users the ability to mute a group not just up to a year or two, but to a century. Another important addition to the WhatsApp for Android application is the ability to hide notifications.
Given the fact that WhatsApp now has over half a billion monthly active users, chances are you or someone you know uses it. WhatsApp is without a doubt one of the most widely used cross platform instant messaging services out there. Not only does it allow users to chat one-on-one, it also lets them create groups for simultaneous chatting. Users have long asked for options to mute groups and WhatsApp has finally listened. The latest WhatsApp Android update brings several options to mute group conversations. The mute option provides several time frames for which the group can be muted, this ranges from one day to one year. It even lets you mute a group for one century, which essentially means that this is the option to select if you want to mute a group permanently.
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