Windows Phone is the most secure mobile operating system out there

If there’s one thing that Windows Phone has over Android and iOS, and it’s probably the only things, it’s security. Steve Lord, who has worked as a hacker and security expert for the last fifteen years, claims that of the three dominant mobile operating systems on the market, Windows Phone is by far the most difficult to break into. Even BlackBerry, which has always been the most security-focused mobile operating system, can’t compete with Windows Phone.

Low sales, stagnation, a formidable app gap and lack of popular features. These are just some of the accusations levied against Windows Phone but Microsoft may have at least one thing going for it in the mobile department: security. That’s according to hacker and security expert of 15 years, Steve Lord. When asked to rate the three most popular OSes in the market by security, he called Windows Phone the ‘toughest nut to crack’: “All have benefits and drawbacks. Currently Windows Phone seems to be the hardest nut to crack. Blackberry has a long history of being very security-focused. If I have physical access to the device, I find Android’s usually the easiest target. Then comes iPhone, then older versions of BlackBerry. If it’s over a network or I have to attack via email or message, Android’s usually the softest target.”

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