Google has never really had a problem with getting or presenting data. They have so much information stored in rows of petabyte servers spanning the world that acquiring data has become second nature. Finding the data… that’s the hard part.
In these 17 videos, Google demonstrates in nice 16-second snippets different ways to make searching its volumes of bytes and pieces easier. 17 videos may sound like a lot, but at 16-seconds each, it’s less than 5-minutes of viewing time. Start watching:
Google Weather:
Google Local Businesses:
Google Unit Conversion:
Google Movie Times:
Google Sports Scores:
Google Flight Tracker:
Google Dictionary:
Google Time:
Google Public Data:
Google Real Estate and Housing:
Google Area Codes:
Google Package Tracking:
Google Fill in the Blanks:
Google Stock Quotes:
Google Calculator:
Google Currency Conversion:
Google Earthquake:
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