
4 Android 6.0 Marshmallow tricks to show to your friends

Android recently unveiled their newest operating system, Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It doesn’t entirely overhaul the system, but it does bring...
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You’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about Google’s Project Ara, but Project Tango is starting to garner some well...
Google’s $400 million acquisition of the UK-based company, called DeepMind, could change the way we look at how humans interact...
In the world of marketing, pay-per-click advertising has been strong for a decade. Those who advertise on the search engines...
Google isn't just interested in content. They want to know who's writing it and how they fit in within a...
J2 Global Communications is a holding company that has online properties specializing in a variety of services. The services include...
There seems to be a lot of negative sentiment coming from multiple directions. Tech blogs, Wall Street analysts, and conspiracy...
The Fourth of July is about celebrating the freedom of the United States. This year, it's marred by PRISM scandal...
Google innovated the way people find their next meal or drinking hole yesterday by adding a carousel of local restaurants...
Google has added a brand new venture to its roster, Project Loon. Loon allows people to connect to internet, not from...
Business is business until becomes personal. For Google, it's more important that they help to slow the expansion of child...
When Google debuted its Gmail e-mail service in 2004, the Internet community thought it was a joke. Not just because...