Getting some virtual reality goggles can be as easy as sending a fax

Google Cardboard definitely makes virtual reality more accessible to those of us who can’t acquire or can’t afford an actual virtual reality headset, but it’s not as easy as just folding some cardboard into the shape of goggles. Aside from some tape, you’ll need to get your hands on some special lenses which, although easy to acquire at a hardware store, can dissuade lazier people (such as myself) from trying out the DIY virtual reality goggles. Thankfully there are pre-made Google Cardboard sets, and getting your hands on one can be as easy sending a fax. 

The folks at Adult Swim games want you to try their new VR app/game. They want you to try it so bad, they’re willing to give you a Google Cardboard VR headset for free. But there’s a catch: you gotta send them a fax first. Once you get past this relatively small hurdle (you can either dig one up from the basement or use one of the many applications that mimic this functionality in the Google Play Store), you’ll be on your way to enjoying their newest title in the Play Store, the aptly titled Adult Swim Virtual Brainload. Less of a game and more of an “experience,” Virtual Brainlord takes you on a journey in some sort of trippy, virtual, alternate reality. We didn’t get to try it for ourselves, but the screenshots are enough to give us flashbacks of our college days. It even comes with a warning, it’s that intense. Whether you want to try the game or not (and you should), you can find their free Google Cardboard form down below. Just print, fax, and wait for your paper headsets to arrive in the mail. Oh and sorry to our friends overseas, this is US-only.

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