U2 is no longer the kind of band that generates controversy or inspires strong feelings one way or another. That’s Miley Cyrus territory. But Apple’s giveaway of the band’s new album, Songs of Innocence, is causing such a backlash that the company is making it as easy as possible to get rid of its gift. Who knew free music could be so polarizing?
Apple has released a tool to remove U2’s new album from its customers’ iTunes accounts six days after giving away the music for free. Some users had complained about the fact that Songs of Innocence had automatically been downloaded to their devices without their permission. It had not been immediately obvious to many of the account holders how to delete the tracks. The US tech firm is now providing a one-click removal button. “Some customers asked for the ability to delete ‘Songs of Innocence’ from their library, so we set up itunes.com/soi-remove to let them easily do so. Any customer that needs additional help should contact AppleCare,” spokesman Adam Howorth told the BBC.