Big changes are coming to Apple’s iPhone line this year, says KGI Securities analyst Ming Chi Kuo. In a note picked up at Apple Insider, Kuos predicts that Apple will release two larger iPhones by the end of the year. He’s calling for a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 in the third quarter, and then a 5.5-inch iPhone 6 in the fourth quarter. Kuo isn’t the only person calling for two big iPhones. We’ve heard it from a variety of sources. The more we hear, the more we think it’s going to happen.
Are case manufactures already starting to crank out cases for the yet-to-be-released 5.5-inch version of the iPhone? has spotted a leaked picture posted on earlier this week that purportedly shows two different cases for Apple’s two upcoming iPhone 6 models — one that would fit a phone with a display measuring 4.7 inches diagonally and another that measures 5.5 inches. cautions that hasn’t typically been a hotbed for accurate leaks in the past, while also pointing out some possible inconsistencies between the cases shown in the picture and reports we’ve read about the larger iPhone 6′s design. However, it does appear that the cases show a new hole on the side in the same place where Apple will reportedly move the power/sleep/wake button.
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