Apple-Samsung patent feud may finally be coming to an end

At long last it seems like one of the biggest smartphone patent lawsuits ever will finally be coming to an end. An unnamed high-level Samsung executive claims that “working-level discussions” with Apple on a patent licensing agreement “are now underway,” which is the firmest indication we’ve seen yet that the two smartphone giants may be getting ready to strike a deal. 

A senior Samsung Electronics executive said Thursday the firm is holding working-level discussions with Apple to find a breakthrough in their patent disputes. “Yes. Working-level discussions are now underway,” the top-level Samsung official said, confirming earlier reports by The Korea Times that the two firms have resumed “peace talks” to end their patent feud. Samsung earlier agreed with Apple to submit a joint settlement proposal before January 8 to the U.S. federal Judge Lucy H. Koh, who has presided over the patent cases since 2011.

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