Apple’s iWatch costs could be subsidized by health insurers

The iWatch has yet to be confirmed by Apple as an actual product, but that isn’t stopping speculation on how much it could cost, and one analyst has a fairly unique idea when it comes to that aspect of the equation. Timothy Arcuri, an analyst with Cowen & Co., wrote a note to investors last week that suggested Apple may be looking in to a unique way to offer the rumored iWatch at a reduced price. 

Apple could be planning to subsidize the cost of its upcoming wearable product through health insurers, Cowan & Co. analyst Timothy Arcuri speculates. “We continue to believe it is possible the product (iWatch) is backstopped by some sort of insurance subsidization model similar to the carrier subsidization model for iPhone.” The report, which believes Apple will announce the fitness-related device in September and launch ahead of the holidays at an average selling price of $250, says Apple will position the iWatch as a device that makes customers more health conscious.

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