Around 44% of American households are wireless only

The age of wires is ending, at least in the United States. According to the CTIA, around 44% of American households were “wireless only,” which is a pretty large increase over the 39% that were wire-free back in 2013. On top of this, Americans are buying more wireless devices and consuming more mobile data every year. With one of the best wireless experiences in the world, who can blame them. 

America is moving towards a wireless civilization, consuming more and more data via wireless devices rather than fixed line devices. In 2014, 44% of American households were “wireless only,” compared with 39% in 2013. Furthermore, the amount of wireless device use is continuing: in 2014, American consumers used 26% more mobile data compared with 2013 and the North American carriers are under pressure to increase their network capacity. According to the CTIA, the overall mobile data use for 2014 was an impressive 4.1 trillion megabytes and of this, over two thirds was from the 208 million smartphones and 35 million tablets in use in North America during the year. This means that every minute, 7.7 million megabytes of data is consumed, 3.6 million text messages and close to 300,000 videos and photos are shared by American consumers. That means every month, US consumers burn through 338.4 billion megabytes of data usage and this include almost 205 billion voice minutes, 169.3 billion text messages and 15.4 billion multimedia messages.

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