AT&T’s “GigaPower” all-fiber network has launched in parts of Austin, Texas, with a price of $70 per month for download speeds of 300Mbp. The $70 price is only available if you agree to see targeted ads from AT&T and its partners, however. Interestingly, AT&T labels the Internet service with targeted ads as its “premier” service while calling the service without targeted ads “standard”.
Rushing to match Google Fiber’s upcoming gigabit Internet service in Austin, Texas, AT&T has launched the U-verse with GigaPower service in Austin. The service currently provides speeds up to 300 Mbps with an eventual upgrade in 2014 to speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second. Interestingly, AT&T is launching at two different price platforms, a standard $99-per-month option and a discounted $70-per-month option that requires customers to submit to an agreement that gives AT&T permission to watch and keep track of the Web pages you visit and the search terms you enter on engines like Google or Bing.