California could be getting its first hyperloop test track soon

Elon Musk may have come up with hyperloop but it’s unaffiliated organizations like Hyperloop Transportation Technologies that’re bringing the revolutionary rapid transit technology to reality. The organization has revealed a plan that would place a hyperloop test track in a county between Los Angeles and San Francisco which would serve as the central point for a planned 150,000-person city that would focus on low-impact living and sustainability. 

A county halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles would be one of the first sites to host a hyperloop track under a plan revealed today by Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, an organization that has been working to make the futuristic form of transportation a reality since it was announced by Elon Musk in 2013. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, which is not affiliated with Musk, signed a deal with developers for a tract of land in Quay Valley, California, where developers have proposed a 150,000-person city powered entirely by solar panels. It plans to begin building a five-mile test hyperloop track next year. It is scheduled to start running in 2019. “With Quay Valley, we’re creating a community built on economical, environmental and social sustainability, and part of this is seeking to reduce car dependency,” Quay Valley developer GROW Holdings’ CEO Quay Hays said in a release. “For these reasons, the Hyperloop is the ideal clean community transit system for Quay Valley.”


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