Put the needle on the record with Gramofon, a wallet-friendly music streamer now available on Kickstarter. The adorably-named Gramofon competes with audio and media streamers from the likes of Sonos and Roku. To get listening, connect the Gramofon to the Web with an ethernet cable or wirelessly over Wi-Fi, then connect to your phone and start choosing tunes in an iOS or Android app. Simple.
Today, crowd-sourced Wifi network operator Fon launches its rumoured new product, the Gramofon. But unusually for a large tech company with healthy revenues, it’s launched the product with 30-day crowd-funding campaign on Kickstarter at a discounted price, starting at $30. This device offers simple Fon-like Wi-Fi sharing functionality after you log in via Facebook, an audio out to speakers (no internal speaker) and an in-built Spotify app. What is it? Well, it’s rumored the social music router they’ve been building and Martin Varsavsky, founder and CEO of Fon, thinks its going to be a game-changer both in the market and for the company, which also happens to be the world’s biggest wifi network.