Doctor treats first case of Google Glass addiction

According to the doctors at the Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP), the man, who was initially admitted for alcoholism treatment, wore Google’s smart headset for up to 18 hours a day, and reported feeling irritable and aggressive when stripped of the wearable technology. This was diagnosed as internet addiction disorder (IAD).

A 31-year-old enlisted service member who recently checked himself into the U.S. Navy’s Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program for alcohol addiction began suffering an entirely unexpected withdrawal during the 35-day program. It turns out that when the program stripped him of Google Glass, which he’d been wearing 18 hours a day for two months, he became irritable, had a hard time focusing, experienced his dreams as if through the narrow view of the headset, and repeatedly placed his index finger to the right side of his face as if trying to turn on Glass, reports the Guardian.

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