Driverless cars may be safer and more efficient, but could you take your hands off?

It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, especially when the new trick goes against the very nature of the old tricks. That’s the biggest challenge for getting adoption of the various driverless car projects being worked on by most car manufacturers as well as companies like Google. We learn through our entire adult lives to keep our hands on the steering wheel. Can we let go?

It is just after 11 o’clock on a warm July morning in Parma, Italy, and a silver Hyundai sedan is cruising the city’s ring road in light traffic. As the car turns towards the centre of the city, the two men in the front are in animated conversation. Neither has his hands on the wheel or is watching the road.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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