Facebook Questions Launches, Tide of Ignorance Begins

If you’ve ever used Yahoo Answers, you’re painfully aware of the human wastelands that populate the internet, and the unfortunate questions they’re prone to ask. They make you facepalm. Sometimes groan a little. Occasionally, you’ll do that thing where you’re suddenly aware of your posture, and will reshuffle your butt around in your seat a bit from sheer amazement at the stupidity presented before you. Well, lucky you – now you don’t even need to go as far as Yahoo. Facebook Questions is Yahoo Answers, only for Facebook. You may be able to see it now, in fact. Run! Check it! Should be in your sidebar. Anyway, Questions is pretty well the same as Answers – ask a question, get community answers. With a pool of 500 million users to draw knowledge from, that’s a pretty rad prospect. Someone’s gotta know, right? The service even offers the ability to include photos (for subject ID-ing),  post polls, and more. Just another ad-targeting mechanism? Probably. But at least this one’s not being so bloody overt. Frankly, I think this is going to open up a most entertaining new can of worms: I speak, of course, of the aforementioned human wastelands, and Lamebook‘s inevitable Qwazy Questions! section. Or, y’know, whatever title they come up with. Hopefully one less suck than that.

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Ty Dunitz
Ty Dunitz
Ty is an illustrator who stays up too late and must wear glasses.


  1. This is EXACTLY what we need, another Yahoo! Answers. Facebook needs to focus on fixing their privacy issues before introducing anymore more of this crap.


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