Forgot about smartcars, smartbikes is where its at

Especially ins dense urban areas, biking to places can be both an affordable and healthy alternative to driving. However, there are some risks involved, mainly in the form of theft. Fortunately, a French company by the name of Connected Cycle has a solution to this problem that comes in the form of a smart peddle that alerts you whenever tour bike is moved from where you left it.

Those of you who read the blog might notice that I like bikes and biking and stuff like that. I’m a cyclist and use my bike to commute to work in San Francisco most days, and I really love not needing a car most of the time. But!!!! There are a few problems with relying on a bike all the time in the city, like when your bike inevitably gets stolen. A new smart bike pedal from a French company called Connected Cycle could help prevent that theft, while also helping users to track data about their rides. Once installed, the Connected Cycle smart pedal will alert bike owners when their bike has been moved via mobile app. Since it has a GPS connection and connects to a cloud platform, Connected Cycle’s pedals let users keep track of where the bike goes if someone’s using it that shouldn’t be.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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