Google Glass was… something. Despite how enthusiastically the company talked about its smartglasses, Google’s strategy for the device has clearly failed, something that the company itself admitted in a recent earnings call. While it’s unlikely that the company will be abandoning Glass altogether, Google will definitely have to rethink things.
During Thursday’s earnings call, Google’s chief financial officer Patrick Pichette said Google Glass didn’t have the impact Google had been hoping for. Here’s exactly what Pichette said on the call: “In other cases, when teams aren’t able to hit hurdles, but we think there’s still a lot of promise, we might ask them to take a pause and take the time to reset their strategy, as we recently did in the case of Glass. And in those cases where a project doesn’t have the impact we hoped for, we do take the tough calls. We make the decision to cancel them, and you’ve seen us do this time and time again.”