Ahead of this year’s Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA), where Huawei is expected to unveil a number of new products, the company has started teasing a new feature known as Incredible Touch. Although there’s no official explanation as to what this feature does, the images and name suggest that it’s some kind of Force Touch-like feature. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Force Touch is a new technology from Apple that allows users to apply a bit more pressure when they put their finger on a touch screen in order to bring up more menus.
Earlier this week the Huawei Mate S was mistakenly listed on Oppomart which revealed all of its specifications and an all-new Force Touch technology. Today, Huawei has began teasing the upcoming Force Touch sensor as ‘Incredible Touch.’ Huawei is racing to release a smartphone with an integrated Force Touch sensor before competitors. Huawei teased two images today revealing the upcoming Force Touch technology. The company will release the Mate S at IFA 2015 according to the teaser pictured above. The saying translates to “Can pressing be different?” This indicates the technology can tell the different between a hard tap and a light tap. The second teaser shows us an image of a persons finger drawing the letter “C.” It reads, “Now, camera really starts with a “C.” It also notes ‘Incredible Touch’, thus further indicating Force Touch is on its way. Maybe we’ll see a feature that allows users to open apps by simply drawing the first letter of an apps name. Only time will tell.