Although the iPad has seen a steady decline in popularity over the past several months, the device is apparently more popular than ever among children 6-12. In fact, a new survey suggests Apple’s famous tablet is more beloved than Disney, Nickeloden, YouTube, Netflix, McDonald’s and even Toys ‘R’ Us.
Apple’s iPad is the No. 1 brand among children 6-12, beating out Disney, Nickelodeon, YouTube, Netflix, Toys ‘R’ Us, McDonald’s, and multiple snack-food brands, according to a new survey. Kids see the iPad as the all-in-one digital tool, according to the three-month survey by Tennessee-based consulting firm Smarty Parts. The 2014 survey results represent the culmination of the “tablet takeover,” according to Smarty Pants president Wynne Tyree. “Kids increasingly turn to iPad for games, TV shows, videos, books, homework help and communicating with friends and family,” she said.