Most of what we’ve been hearing about Windows 10 since it was launched has been really good, but there are definitely a few things that could use some work. For starters, Microsoft just released an official DVD Player app for Windows 10 that allows users to play older disc-based movies. That doesn’t sound bad until you realize that this feature, which comes free with most operating systems and third-party media players, will cost you $14.99. Â
Any Windows 10 owner can now get Microsoft’s official DVD Player app for its new operating system from the Windows Store for the price of $14.99. The app was previously available for free just for people who were updating their Windows 7 or 8.1 Media Center PCs to Windows 10. Here’s the bare-bones description of the app from Microsoft: “Windows DVD Player for Windows 10 makes it easy to watch your favorite DVDs. Watch both commercial and homemade discs in the DVD-Video format. This app requires a DVD-capable optical drive.” There’s a detailed FAQ page that offers more information on the Windows 10 DVD Player app. One thing we will point out is that it will not play any Blu-Ray discs; people with Blu-Ray drives will have to get a third-party application to run those kinds of discs on a Windows 10 PC.