All presidents of past and present have their great moments including this latest one from PayPal president David Marcus, who threatened to internal PayPal employees in the San Jose, California offices that weren’t regularly using or recommending the PayPal app to use the PayPal app more or find work elsewhere, first reported by Venture Beat.
An internal email was recently leaked, wherein David Marcus, the president of PayPal, scolds his employees for not having “passion” or “gusto” for their jobs. I’d like to think that the tactic Marcus employed is something of an outlier. However, the truth is that it’s much more common than it should be. Being a consultant, I’ve peeked behind the curtain at dozens of companies. I’ve also worked for several large firms. And a recurring theme at many of the businesses I’ve observed is the habit of the executives to become disconnected from their employees. And being disconnected is the only thing that could have convinced Marcus that his email was a good idea.