While the rise of the Internet of Things promises to bring us unparalleled convenience and improvements to our quality of life, the FTC has reminded us that the introduction of all of these connected devices also poses some serious risks to our privacy and security. In order to alleviate the concerns that people may have, the FTC has recommended that companies take certain measures to ensure the privacy and security of its users.
The FTC has raised concerns about the complexity and privacy risks posed by the rise of an Internet of Things, with some 25 billion connected objects predicted to be online in 2015, and so-called smart home devices predicted to number around 25 million this year. Concerns about privacy could encourage consumer mistrust of IoT devices, the FTC has warned, having a knock-on impact on consumer adoption. To avoid that scenario it has detailed some of the measures it thinks IoT companies should take to mitigate privacy risks. FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez was speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, after touring the show floor where exhibitors are showing off a swathe of connected objects they hope consumers will be installing in their homes in future.