The iOS 8.2 update could arrive as early as Monday

Eagerly awaiting probably isn’t the best way to describe how people feel about the upcoming iOS 8.2 update, more like mildly anticipating. So here’s some mildly exciting news for those of you who have been waiting for the update, Apple could be releasing it as soon as Monday, and the even less interesting iOS 8.3 update should be following close behind it. 

iOS 8.2 could be released to the public as soon as next week, while the release of iOS 8.3 may not be far behind, setting the stage for the launch of the Apple Watch in April, according to a new report. Details on the anticipated releases of Apple’s two iOS 8 updates were revealed on Friday by BGR, which said iOS 8.2 could become available as soon as Monday. However, the report did qualify that “last minute problems” could delay the release until the following week. A total of five betas of iOS 8.2 have been provided to developers, though the most recent one was a month ago. Unsurprisingly, not far behind iOS 8.2 will be iOS 8.3, as Apple has already provided developers with two betas of that release even before 8.2 becomes public. Sources reportedly said that Apple plans to have “as many as four” beta versions of iOS 8.3 before it is released to the masses.

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