Authorities can’t keep the entire Pirate Bay crew under lock and key, it seems. Just days after the arrest of Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde has been released from prison; he spent only five months behind bars rather than the originally intended eight, albeit in a high security wing. Sunde is focused primarily on “sleep, eat and travel” at this stage, so it’ll be a short while before we know exactly what he does next. However, media executives probably won’t have reason to panic any time soon. He was pouring most of his energy into legal services like encrypted chat and micro donations before the police caught him, and it’s likely that he’ll pick up where he left off.
After being on the run for two years Peter Sunde, aka brokep, was arrested during a family visit in southern Sweden late May. Despite being accused of non-violent crimes, Peter was transferred to a high-security unit. His time in prison was tough. There was no concern for his vegan diet and he was struggling with depression. As a result Peter lost more than 15 kilograms. “The worst thing is the boredom”, Peter said in August, summing up his daily routine. “I have soy yoghurt and muesli for breakfast, which I was recently allowed to buy from my own money, as the prison doesn’t offer any vegan food.” Today Peter’s struggle in prison comes to an end. After more than five months he is now a free man again. A few hours ago he left prison to be reunited with his loved ones, and in a way, with himself. “My body just got re-united with my soul and mind, the parts of me that matters and that never can be held hostage. #freebrokep #brokepfree,” he Tweets. Although there is no denying that Peter was physically and mentally impacted by his stay in prison, he is now truly free. No longer a fugitive, the former Pirate Bay spokesperson can travel the world again.