This Futuristic, Eco-friendly Coke Design Should Be Real

Eco Coke

Coke? What about Coke could possibly be worthy of a mention on Techi? Well, if you already took a look at the picture above, we’re sure you already know why.

Andrew Kim, a very talented design student, appears to have crafted something that the folks at Coca Cola should seriously look into: eco-friendly and modernized product packaging for their soft drinks.

First, the obvious: these designs look pretty cool — they are almost sexy. However, while they are fun to look at, these designs also serve another purpose, which isn’t apparent at first. These square-like designs can help save space and is easily collapsable, thus providing motivation to recycle with easier transportation.

The bottle also has another unique feature that isn’t apparent: it is created with 100% sugar cane byproducts. This makes Kim’s design 100% green, eco-friendly. So we must commend that.

That said, I think the Coca Cola company should invite Andrew Kim for an interview. Clearly he has earned it.

[via: Yanko Design]


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