Whether smartwatches are a gimmick or a legitimately useful gadget is still being debated by many but even those claiming that it’s truly a useful gadget have to admit that smartwatches aren’t nearly as essential to our lives as smartphones. This is something that the Apple Watch will change, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook, who claims that the company is working hard to ensure that the Apple Watch will be just as important to users as the iPhone.
While smartwatches are a great idea, at the moment they aren’t as essential compared to some of our other electronic gadgets, like our smartphones for example, but it seems that this is something that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is hoping to change. Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, Cook expressed his desire to make the upcoming Apple Watch as essentially as the iPhone. According to Cook, he was quoted as saying, “There are several things that are called smartwatches, but I’m not sure you could name any. Certainly, there are none that have changed the way people lived their lives. That’s what we want to do.” Cook also stressed on how important apps are and how the Apple Watch apps will help to drive the device.