VLC for Windows Phone has been delayed

According to various reports in the past as well as hints by the developer, it was suggested that VLC for Windows Phone is pretty close to seeing a release. In fact the reports had stated that the app for Windows Phone could be released this month, but unfortunately till now we have yet to see the app making its way to Windows Phone handsets. Well as it turns out the app has been slightly delayed. No word on what’s with the delay, but for now Windows Phone users will just have to remain patient. The good news is that if you’tre a Windows 8.1 user, the app seems to be closer to being launched. Apparently there were still some issues that the developers had yet to address, which is what they’re doing now, before they release it to the public.

For those of you who have been patiently waiting for VideoLAN to bring its popular VLC player to Windows Phone, we’ve got some bad news for you. It was rumored that we would see the app make an appearance as a Beta this month, but that is yet to be the case. In a tweet by the developer, we have learned that VLC for Windows Phone has been delayed again. No specific details were given as to why there is yet another delay, but developer Thomas Nigro simply adds that he does not want to release a buggy version of the app. We learned in June that VideoLAN was working closely with AppCampus to get this app released by August. AppCampus, for those that did not know, is a mobile application accelerator program managed by Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. AppCampus is an 18 million euro joint investment between Microsoft and Nokia to foster mobile application development on the Windows Phone platform. The app for Windows 8.1 is “quite ready” according to Nigro, but no release date was mentioned. According to the developer, there are still a few more things to fix before the app becomes available in the Windows Store.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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