Will Google’s Calico focus on immortality?

It’s a crazy concept. It’s about as crazy today as the thought of driverless cars or computers you wear on your face would have been a decade ago, but here we are. Google seems to have a knack for crazy concepts and Calico might just be their best one yet.

I’ve just taken my Google Glass and set them aside–at least for now.

The new fascinating thought that is running through my head is the bold and curious venture of Google call Calico.  And while just announced, the experts are chiming in here, here and here.  The key point hat has got me thinking is if this interesting concept really holds the promise of digital health.  Or if this can be a grand catalyst for digital health and launch it to a new and more interesting spot in the minds of science and society. I’ve recently been critical of smart watch after smart watch, but what Calico has done has for me, might be changing the game.  And perhaps more importantly, change the objectives around the loftier goals of life extension.  The marriage of great thinking, guts, with technology, big data and genomics just may reboot the entire digital health movement.  It can be a redefined movement that establishes a trajectory that makes us all a bit nervous, and in the long run, makes us profoundly different–older, smarter or even something beyond our meager humanity.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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