Zuckerberg says the ‘privacy phenomenon’ is important to Facebook

It’s no secret that up-and-coming messaging app Snapchat has captured the attention of Facebook — after all, let’s not forget how it was said to have wanted to acquire Snapchat in a deal worth more than $1 billion. In a talk at a Stanford today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shed light on the “privacy phenomenon” raised by Snapchat, calling it “really important,” TechCrunch reports.

Mark Zuckerberg thinks Facebook’s innovated by creating a place where people could share what wasn’t shared before, which is also why he thinks Snapchat is important. Today in a low-profile talk at Stanford alongside discussions of the NSA and venture capital’s shortcomings, Zuckerberg said “Snapchat is a super interesting privacy phenomenon.” Zuckerberg sat down today with Stanford’s President John Hennessy onstage at the school’s Memorial Auditorium for a wide-ranging hour-long chat in front of Stanford students, professors, trustees, and Facebook employees. Here’s a video clip of a more light-hearted anecdote from Zuckerberg about Facebook’s early days that Stanford published.

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