Amazon is considering launching its own line of clothing

Amazon’s attempts to release its own consumer electronics have been pretty successful, excluding the Fire Phone, but the company’s other attempts to make its own products have generally ended in failure. However, even those failures haven’t been enough to discourage Amazon, and the company has admitted that it’s considering launching its own line of clothing in the near future. Basically, the company will copy the products of brands that don’t want to sell on Amazon, and then sell those copies on Amazon to fill in the gaps.

Amazon is considering producing its own range of clothes, it has admitted. The online retail giant seems to sell every brand of every item under the sun. Occasionally, the company will step in and try its hand at making its own products. This is most notably the case with tablets and smartphones, but it also applies to things like charger cables, laptop bags, and other peripherals. Back in May, it emerged that Amazon was looking into selling its own private label groceries. Now the retailer could be moving deeper into the world of fashion. The company has been working to establish Amazon Fashion for years now, but it anticipates having to step in and fill in some of the gaps in its range. “For Amazon, we know our customers love brands, many of the brands in this room…and that’s where the lion’s share of our business comes from,” said Amazon’s clothing VP Jeff Yurcisin, speaking at the WWD Apparel and Retail CEO Summit (via BuzzFeed). “When we see gaps, when certain brands have actually decided for their own reasons not to sell with us, our customer still wants a product like that.” To that end, Yurcisin added that Amazon is considering getting into the private label clothing business.

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